rate my professor asu

Rate My Professor ASU is one of the most popular sources of information about college professors and classes on the web today, and Arizona State University has one of the most comprehensive Rates My Professors pages out there. 

If you’re heading to ASU in the next few months, why not look at what current students have to say about their teachers? 

You can learn what to expect from each class regarding teaching style, reading requirements, textbook recommendations, and even how demanding your professors are!


Thousands of students log in to Rate My Professor ASU and share their thoughts on their professors each semester. With over 15,000 ratings, you can learn something about your upcoming class! 

Although it’s essential to be open-minded and understanding when first taking classes at ASU, looking up a professor before starting a course can also be helpful. 

Students rated most of their courses on Rate My Professor ASU, and we will share some takeaways from that process. Often, students will place their professors based on whether they liked them as a person, whether or not they were effective instructors, etc. 

For example, one student stated I love my prof so much. He’s cool. I think I have him for another class next semester.

The Advantages of Rate My Professor ASU:

Students seem to agree that Rate My Professor ASU has a positive and practical impact on their learning. 

Those students, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of retribution from their professor, said that they were so afraid of their professor after reading reviews online that they considered dropping out of school. 

Fortunately, in class, they found he wasn’t nearly as scary as his online reputation made him out to be. Another student who wished to remain anonymous found out that Rate My Professors helped him save money on books by warning him about professors who might ask for additional readings or questions outside what was discussed in class. 

Because students can provide honest feedback and professors respond with their comments and remarks about themselves, Rate my Professor is a community that can be both beneficial and humorous at times.

The disadvantages of Rate My Professor ASU:

While Rate My Professor ASU is a great tool to help students understand how to prepare for a lecture, it also has drawbacks. One major drawback is that it only includes reviews on professors and classes from current ASU students. 

It means that past student experiences with a professor cannot be considered when deciding whether to enrol in a particular class. Secondly, one person’s experience may not entirely indicate a professor’s abilities as an instructor (as all humans are different). 

Finally, reviews may skew based on personal likes and dislikes or beliefs. For example, if a student believes that grades should be given out according to effort instead of ability, they might give low marks to teachers who disagree with their view. 

When using Rate My Professor ASU as a resource for choosing courses and professors, it is essential to keep these limitations in mind.


As you can see, some mixed opinions about Rate My Professor ASU exist. However, with simple tips and tricks, you can make your experience using Rate My Professor ASU much more enjoyable! 

You’ll be able to increase your rate of success by knowing which teachers are easier to work with and which students like best. 

By knowing what materials students need to succeed in a class before you even start, you won’t have any surprises on unanticipated exams or papers. You might even save yourself some trouble down the road!

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