
You’ll make mistakes along the way when you’re learning something new. That goes for learning cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) too. After all, there’s a difference between pumping someone’s chest in the sterile classroom environment and doing it out in the real world.

For now, you are setting aside the whole ‘resuscitating another human being’ part. There are quite a few CPR errors that you’re likely to make.

What can you do to avoid those mistakes? We’ve got a list of common CPR errors beginners to make and how to avoid them, so keep reading!

1. Failing to Recognize an Arrest:

An arrest is a medical emergency that requires medical diagnosis, CPR, and defibrillation. The best way to prevent this error is to know the common signs of an arrest. One way to do this is to get a CPR training class like Pet CPR/First Aid Certification, as the course covers all the needed information.

2. Failing to Check for a Pulse:

If a pulse is present and you perform CPR anyway, a person can do more harm than good by performing too many chest compressions. So it is essential to check for a pulse before beginning any chest compressions. You can do this by checking a person’s carotid artery on either side of their neck, just under their jawbone.

If a pulse is not felt, begin chest compressions. If a pulse is present, check for other signs or symptoms before continuing CPR.

3. Incorrect Hand Placement:

It would be best to place your hands on the chest directly and not on top of the clothing or between the ribs. For chest compressions to be effective, CPR hand placement must be in the chest’s center and above the victim’s nipple line.

It would be best if you also spread out your hands. It should create a solid connection with the person’s chest.

4. Not Providing High-Quality Compressions:

The casualty’s heart and blood vessels don’t receive enough blood flow without proper compressions. So it could potentially compromise the successful outcome of resuscitation efforts.

To avoid this error, you should remember to position your hands correctly. You need to be aware of the standard CPR compression rate. Press firmly and evenly at least 2 inches deep and stay in a steady rhythm of approximately 100 compressions per minute.

5. Not Delivering Enough Oxygen:

One standard error people make when performing CPR is not delivering enough oxygen. This can be dangerous to someone needing CPR because oxygen is essential for preserving life. To avoid this, make sure not just to have compressions but allow the chest to recoil and give enough breaths.

6. Stopping CPR Too Early:

This mistake can be costly, potentially depriving a person of resuscitation. The American Heart Association recommends chest compressions be continued until help arrives. The only situation where it should be stopped is when the patient shows signs of life.

It is also essential to avoid taking too long of a break between compressing. This can lead to a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, potentially depriving the patient of oxygen.

Avoid These CPR Errors Beginners Make:

CPR can be complicated for beginners to master. But with practice and knowledge about the common CPR errors beginners make to avoid, anyone can gain confidence.

Anyone can provide accurate, timely, and effective CPR. Anyone can save a life and reduce the potential for legal and professional complications. Have questions? Reach out to an expert for help today.

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