
Are you looking to get into the world of cryptocurrency?

In the past year, stories about cryptocurrency have blanketed the news. From its meteoric rise to its volatile falls, information about cryptocurrency seems to fill the internet.

As an investor, you might look to get into the market. Before you do, you might want to look at some of the cryptocurrency laws by state.

Not sure where to start? Here are some of the most important legal aspects of different types of crypto you’ll want to know before you jump in.

New York

In 2015, the New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) created BitLicense. This made New York one of the first states to have specific rules for companies that deal in cryptocurrency. BitLicense is a licensing system for businesses that deal with virtual currencies, like those that trade cryptocurrencies or offer wallet services.

Businesses must apply for this license to be allowed in New York. Some people in the Bitcoin community don’t like BitLicense. This is primarily because it has strict rules. It also costs a lot of money to follow when investing in cryptocurrency. 


Assembly Bill 129, which allowed the use of alternative currencies, like cryptocurrencies, in California, was passed by the state legislature. This law made it clear that cryptocurrencies are not illegal in California. It also gave digital assets a level of legal respect.

But it’s important to note that AB 129 doesn’t give specific rules for how coin businesses should be run. They still have to follow other state and federal rules. 

If you’re operating a cryptocurrency business in California, make sure to read this book about cryptocurrency risk management. It will help you understand how to navigate the evolving regulatory landscape and implement effective risk mitigation strategies.


Wyoming has become one of the most cryptocurrency-friendly states in the U.S. because it has passed several laws to support and control digital assets. The state has passed laws that give blockchain and cryptocurrency companies a formal framework, making it easier to do business within its borders.

For example, Wyoming passed a law that lets people set up Special Purpose Depository Institutions (SPDIs). SPDIs are financial institutions that provide Bitcoin companies with banking services. 


Texas passed House Bill 4474 in 2019. This bill defines virtual currencies and exempts certain cryptocurrency transactions from the state’s money transmission rules.

The goal of this rule was to make it easier for businesses and people to use cryptocurrencies for everyday transactions. But it’s important to remember that some things, like having a cryptocurrency exchange, may still require a license and following other rules.


The Money Transmitter Act in Montana applies to companies that move virtual currencies. Like other states, Montana needs cryptocurrency companies to get the right licenses and follow certain rules to do business legally. This law helps protect consumers and makes sure that companies responsibly deal with cryptocurrencies.

Unraveling Cryptocurrency Laws by State

In conclusion, it is important to be aware of the cryptocurrency laws by state to ensure that you comply with the regulations governing transactions.

Use this guide as a reference point and seek professional advice to ensure that your crypto-related activities comply with the applicable laws. Get started with crypto investments today!

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